Buster 5

Buster 5

Only had a few hours this week so not much progress on the painting.  The nose is starting to take shape and I’m playing with the shadows and getting a feel for the direction of the beard. We will be preparing our fifth wheel and starting our journey to Indiana next Thursday.  It will take…

Buster WIP Four

Moving right along on this portrait of Buster.  Pretty happy with his eyes and the reflection….although I’m sure I will come back and do some final tweaking once the portrait is further along.  Still working on the left ear and eye brow area, but needed to leave it ‘rest’ a bit so I jumped down…

Buster Part Three

Spent most of my time working on the area around the right eye as well as building up the darker layers inside the eyes themselves.  Notice that you can still see some of the “lighter” foundation layer that was applied to the eye last time.  I’m almost ready to begin laying the foundation for the…

Buster Part Two

  Here I am again….still making progress.  I’ve moved into the forehead area and got rid of that ‘divot’ that I noticed in the last photo.  That is one thing I have found very helpful….taking photos of my work as it progresses.  It is amazing what you discover in a photograph that you somehow missed…

Buster 1

As you can see, I have a pretty good start on Buster.  I have 3 coats of gesso (that is a sealer and ground for the painting surface) applied and about 3 more coats of color in the background.  All that gives me a nice smooth and opaque surface for the painting.  After the background…

Sassy Finished!

And without further ado….. I put the finishing touches on this sweet girl yesterday.  All I have left to do is a few coats of a high quality water based varnish.  I like to use a satin finish.  The varnish not only protects the portrait, but also will bring out the depth in the many…

Sassy 8

YAHOOO!  I’m coming down the home stretch on my little Sassy girl…. I just have a few more touches to finish out….her left ear, area under her chin, and the tags on her collar.  Then I’ll take a look at the all over values and make any needed corrections.  Please do be aware that computer…

Sassy 7

I spent the entire weekend working on Sassy and I’m very happy with my progress.  Almost done! The above photo shows my progress in the throat area and the collar.  It’s all in the details for me and silly as it seems….I do find working on the collar area quite satisfying.  Maybe it is the…