Buster 1
Buster 1

As you can see, I have a pretty good start on Buster.  I have 3 coats of gesso (that is a sealer and ground for the painting surface) applied and about 3 more coats of color in the background.  All that gives me a nice smooth and opaque surface for the painting.  After the background is dry, I used a chalk transfer paper and my original sketch to transfer a basic “roadmap” of Buster.  Looking to the left….you can see how I begin.  I usually start with a medium to dark value wash of color….applying the strokes in the same direction as the hair.  The middle area has several more layers of washes….building up darker values to play against the lighter areas.  In the area on the right and the ear,  I have begun to add in more details…individual hairs and refining values.  Adding the details….a process I love…is when the painting starts to come to life.  Once I’m fairly satisfied with an area, such as the areas on the right in this painting, I move on to another area.  I don’t like to work on the entire painting at once.  I prefer to work on smaller sections.  No area in this painting is finished….I’m always looking back, making sure values, highlights, and shapes are in harmony with one another.

I do so enjoy the painting process and I’m happy to share it with all of you.  Every painting is a journey….full of new discoveries and wonder.  Just when you think you have it all figured out….something magical happens and you realize just how little you really know.  Oh…you make mistakes, but many times those mistakes turn into “happy accidents” or become invaluable learning experiences.  I encourage everyone to pick up the brush or pencil or whatever creative tool is at your disposal and simply create…..follow your heart….because….

“When one creates freely and from the heart the outcome is always beautiful!”


  1. Thanks Michele….so happy you could take the time to stop by! I’m loving the Inspired Blogging group…..meeting so many wonderful folks!

  2. Kelly….I popped over and read your blog….so much fun. You are a fabulous writer….all that ‘tweaking’ has paid off….LOL! Happy you stopped by for a better look….’wanting to scratch that furry ear’…..that is quite the compliment….Thank you!

  3. You could apply your process to my writing process! I think I’m done, do yet another reread and find at least seven things that need tweaking. It’s never ending sometimes. First looked at your pic on my phone and without my glasses. Couldn’t figure it out. Then on the big screen it absolutely came to life. Love it. I just want to scratch that furry ear!

  4. This is so fabulous! I learn so much from watching your progress on painting. I really appreciate the information on the washes of color to build up darker values. I would love to learn more about how you bring out such lifelike texture in the fur!

    1. I’m glad you are picking up some tips, Harmony! I’ll see if I can put together a ‘step by step’ on the animal fur.

  5. Debbie, so fun to see a fellow artist’s process in painting. What medium are you using? I couldn’t quite tell from the photo. Can’t wait to see how you finish this up. Thanks for sharing

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