Sassy 8

YAHOOO!  I’m coming down the home stretch on my little Sassy girl…. I just have a few more touches to finish out….her left ear, area under her chin, and the tags on her collar.  Then I’ll take a look at the all over values and make any needed corrections.  Please do be aware that computer…

Sassy 7

I spent the entire weekend working on Sassy and I’m very happy with my progress.  Almost done! The above photo shows my progress in the throat area and the collar.  It’s all in the details for me and silly as it seems….I do find working on the collar area quite satisfying.  Maybe it is the…

Sassy 6

So here we are, once again back with my little Sassy girl!  Have only had a few hours to work my magic on this painting….been a busy week.  I’m very close to having that cheek where I need it to be.  Still trying to achieve that “balancing act” between light and dark.  I’m feeling that…

Sassy Part 5

I’m back at my easel after a long dry spell.  This is Sassy one of my sweet furry grandchildren.  I am in the process of re-painting her check area as you can see in the photo.  There just was something not quite right with the area and after several attempts to “fix” it, I finally…

Sassy 4

Here is part 4 of my little grand-doggie Sassy!  I think she is looking fabulous…obviously I still have some work to do, but I think I have captured her sweet expression and those beautiful bright eyes.  I’ve captured all the “highs” and  “lows” of the bone structure now just need to soften the blends a…

WIP Chipmunk

Back to my little chipmunk painting….the first photo is just a reminder of where I left off.  The photo below is the most recent update.  Doesn’t look like I got much done.  Truth be told, I only had  a couple of hours yesterday to be at my easel.  I spent most of my time making…