Sassy Part 5
Sassy Part 5

I’m back at my easel after a long dry spell.  This is Sassy one of my sweet furry grandchildren.  I am in the process of re-painting her check area as you can see in the photo.  There just was something not quite right with the area and after several attempts to “fix” it, I finally made the decision to just start fresh.  My process for this is to do a little light sanding of the area and then apply a light layer of gesso.  I feather out the edges so as not to have to deal with getting rid of any hard lines later.  After the gesso layer is dry, I applied a light wash of Naples Yellow with a touch of Raw Sienna.  Next, I took my chalk pencil and drew on a few “hairs”.  I do that to keep me “on track” with the direction the hair grows as I start blocking in shadow and highlights.  I still have a long way to go….but I do feel like I have captured her sweetness and her intensity.