New tiny studio
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.0.7″ background_color=”#f5f3f2″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.0.7″ custom_padding=”12px|||||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.0.7″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.7″ text_font=”||||||||” text_font_size=”24px” text_line_height=”1.3em” custom_padding=”0px|||||”]December and Where am I? I’m in Michigan with my son, his wife, and their two children. “Baby it’s cold outside!” Nope…not just for a visit. My son and his wife asked if I would come live with them for about six months and take care of their newest addition: Kennedy Jane Goode. I said yes. A huge commitment, but one I felt I wanted to do. It’s an opportunity to spend some very special and precious time with not only my grand babies, but also my son and his wife. To be a part of their daily lives….well….I just see that as a blessing. I was not supposed to be needed until after the holidays, but baby Kennedy decided to make her entrance about 6 weeks early….so here I am. The timing has been bad (I arrived late October), I still had a ‘revision surgery’ to get accomplished and a new house to move into…but we are making it work. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.0.7″ text_font=”||||||||” text_font_size=”24px” text_line_height=”1.3em”]

The Revision surgery was an outpatient procedure. I was able to have the surgery about a week before my Michigan stay. My plastic surgeon needed to get rid of the ‘dog ears’ on my hips from the original surgery. It’s hard to explain, but she removed some excess skin and ‘tidied’ things up a bit on my hips. The girls….drum roll please…they got ‘nipples’. Purely an aesthetics procedure. I debated rather to even have them done, but now when I look in the mirror I do feel more ‘normal’. They will still need to be tattooed for color, but that won’t happen until I’m fully healed.

So I’ve spent the last two months flying back and forth for follow up visits with my plastic surgeon. It worked out well, because I was also able to help Billy move into our house on one of those visits.  Then my kids surprised me with a ticket home for Thanksgiving.  That was a really big deal because my sister and brothers were going to be there this year and I was definitely longing to see them all.  Everyone was really surprised when I surprised them all on Thanksgiving day.  Lots of hugs and happy tears…it was awesome!

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What about my art, my teaching. I’m actually setting up a little mini studio (I’m used to that..????) in my bedroom. I will have my weekends and evenings free and I plan to paint and film.  I’ve included a couple photos of my bedroom suite at the kid’s house.  I have a large bedroom, big tv, and a great private bath with walk in shower.  

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My tiny studio with my next pet portrait. I take care of Kennedy through the week, but weekends are mine and I will be getting started on this new endeavor very soon.  


My next post, I’ll hopefully have some exciting news about online painting classes.  Until then…..




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There is magic at the end of your brush.


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