I just spent three of the most incredible days with some fellow artist, Amy Wilson Cavaness and Linda Kinnaman.  Caring, sharing, lots of laughter, and a few tears.  I learned so much about them and so much about myself.  A blog challenged was issued……to blog about something that is a bit uncomfortable for us to share….so here goes….

Many of my fellow artist are aware of Julia Cameron and her book called “The Artist’s Way.  I am currently reading another of her books called, “Faith and Will”.  It is all about one’s relationship to God.  I’m just loving it….so much of it re-affirms what I already believe, but it has also opened up new doors and new insights into my faith.   I have always felt that my creative abilities were a gift from God…..Yet, I never actually asked for His help or guidance when painting.  Then one day….I closed my eyes, I lifted my hand to the sky, and I asked…..the results were amazing.  My paintings improved….I became more focused and more at ease with my brush strokes.  I feel closer to Him then I have ever been….and it was such a simple thing to do.  Funny how I felt that I should always “save” God for the big moments…..the crisis in my life.  This book has helped me to “open a door” to the notion that God is there everyday and welcomes the opportunity to be apart of my “everyday” life…..tis a beautiful thing!


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