You remember my introduction to Miss Megabyte and the promise to tell her story? Well….here it is
Miss Megabyte was a stray….a very young stray…who happened to find herself wondering an RV park in Texas. One of our RV friends was staying in this particular park for the winter. He loved to go outside in the early mornings (4am ish) and sit and sip his coffee. One morning he had a visitor….a cute little grey and white kitty. She was very shy and wouldn’t come close, but he was patient and would just speak to her softly encouraging her to come closer. This went on for several days and then one morning, he placed a small saucer of milk out for her…..she refused it at first, but eventually her fear gave way to her hunger. Morning after morning, this scene was repeated and eventually kitty became quite friendly.
Now….let me explain a few things about our RV friends. They full time, which means like us, they live in their unit 365 days of the year. When they embarked upon this RV adventure they made the decision to remain ‘pet-less’ so that they could travel and sight see without the responsibility of on board animals. I understand that decision completely. We ourselves have ‘missed out’ on several travel activities because we could not and would not leave our furbabies unattended for that long. The second thing you must know to appreciate….’the rest of the story’ is that our two wonderful RV friends suffered the tragic loss of an adult son. That son and his wife loved cats…and each had their own little kitty to love. When the son became ill, his Kitty…..Megabyte….never left his side. She was constantly in his lap…..as though she knew. Megabyte who lived to be 19 yrs, died just a few weeks after her owners passing. You can bet….Megabyte is back in his lap, together forever!
So with that understanding….the story continues. Our RV friends, believe it or not, had made the decision to leave that kitty behind when they left in the spring. Please don’t think badly of them, they made sure their were people in the park who would look after this little stray. BUT…..fate intervened…..one of those ‘friends in the park’ made a comment one day. She simply said, “You know that kitty is an Angel kitty, sent to you from above”. At that moment, it all made sense. Of course, that would be just like his son to send this sweet kitty to them. Funny how sometimes we overlook what is literally staring us in the face. This little kitty now has a forever home and, no surprise here, is named Megabyte 2.
The story does not end here….It seems our little Megabyte was pregnant. Our RV friends, upon finding this out, were determined to find a loving home for each and everyone of Megabyte’s kittens. They watched over her carefully, took her to the vet made sure she was healthy. When the big day finally arrived, it was clear Megabyte was in trouble. So off to the vet they went and and it was determined that Megabyte was going to need surgery….a c-section was preformed…..sadly none of the kittens survived and had Megabyte not received the help she needed….she would have died as well. It seems Megabyte needed them as much as they needed her. Strange how in the beginning neither thought they needed the other.
There is no doubt in my mind, that Megabyte 2 was guided to find her new family and that when it seemed she was to be left behind…..yet another ‘Earth Angel’ was sent to intervene.
It has now been several years since Megabyte 2 came to live with her new family. They are all doing well and can’t imagine life without one another……..
I just love happy endings…….don’t you?
Megabyte! Bless her heart. Love how they settled into a life together after the initial spell of independence. And yes, I agree. They are meant to be together. Thanks for sharing this tidbit, Debbie. I remember you mentioned her before.
Oh I do love happy endings! What a wonderful story. And I bet she’s going to be fun to paint as well.
Hi Linda…..it is such a special story. I still get misty eyed…..
Oh, dear, my eyes are leaking. What a beautiful story. Animals are so healing and it’s such a generous gift when one arrives. A bit of a responsibility, too, but worth it. 🙂
Great story, Debbie. I love those types of “angel stories”. So sweet!
I agree Amy and we need more of those ‘stories’…..shows the world to be the beautiful place it is!
Sweet touching story. Thanks for the telling.
Your welcome Debbie!
Cute story. Are you RVing full time?
Thanks Kimberly and yes…we have been RVing fulltime for almost 8yrs now. We love it!
Happy ending indeed!! I love the way the universe intervenes when necessary. And how our loved ones know just what we need in order to continue to go on without them. 🙂
Yup….that sums it up beautifully Kelli!