Here is another look at Pip

Pip-3-full view of paintingand one more…..

Photo of Wip Dog PortraitYuppers….I’m getting close to the finish line with this little guy.  I’ve spent quite a bit of time on that little face, trying to capture every little nuance.  I still have work to do, but things are coming together nicely I think!  I just love all the little bits of pink that show through that beautiful white fur.  I’ve gotten quite attached to this little guy, I so wish he were close by so we could cuddle.  I can see all the love he has for his family in those big, soulful eyes!

That is why I love painting pet portraits.  These “pets”  are cherished members of their family and that shines through in every little face I paint.  It gives me such joy to see that and to hear their families talk about them and share fun stories about them.  These little furballs bring so much happiness into the world in which we live….it is a blessing you know…a true gift from above.

Here is another video on my painting process.  This one is a bit longer and I’m not talking on this one, just a bit of music and nature in the background.  Feel free to hit the mute button if you don’t care for the soundtrack.  If you have any questions about what you see, please don’t hesitate to email or leave it in the comment section.

One final note

In preparation for my up coming e-courses, my website will be undergoing some significant changes.  On occasion, you may ‘stop by’ and see that I am in ‘maintenance mode’.  I prefer to make all my mistakes behind the ‘red curtain’ (remember the wizard of oz).  I imagine my site will be down for one or two days during this transition.  Please bear with me….I promise it will be worth the wait!


  1. debbie
    What a great painting and I loved watching your video. You will have to share some tips on making a video painting. Can’t wait to hear about your e course too!

  2. Pip! Pip! Pip! Three cheers to you, Debbie! It was extraordinary to watch dear Pip come to life. I left the soundtrack on and watched the whole thing. It was so peaceful. Splendid filming job, too. What struck me was how you confidently manipulate the brush. A little tip action, a little side action etc. All done with confidence. Et voila, Pip’s eyes come to life! Oh and those ears are so very cute. I’m off to check out the other videos now.Best of luck with your site redo. Say – maybe Dorothy will commission you to do a portrait of Toto! That would be cool. Say hi to the munchkins for me.

    1. Thanks Kelly! Your words of encouragement and praise are so appreciated! An artist’s ego is such a fragile thing and I tend to be very critical of myself….especially in new endeavors! Doing a portrait of Toto and meeting the munchkins would be awesome…maybe if I just clicked together the heels of my ruby red slippers and say, “take me to the land of Oz”!

  3. Oh such a delight to watch you paint Debbie! And yay to you for mastering the video challenge. Pip is looking wonderful – those pinky bits are adorable. Good luck with the website work. If I see your maintenance message I’ll know you’re behind the curtain. 🙂

  4. Debbie – when I get back, I will be sure and check in and see how Pip turned out. We used to have a rat terrier/pug mix and her face was a lot like Pips. Super sweet.

  5. Debbie, I am so impressed–with your painting AND with your success putting a video on your blog. Good for you!

    1. Thanks Janet! Yuppers….this old gal still got some brain cells she can tap into when she needs them…LOL!

  6. Debbie – Pip looks so real and you have gotten so much done, since I last visited. You are an amazing artist, no doubt about that.

    Good luck on your website changeover!

    Keep up the great posts!

    1. Thanks Cindy! Some days it is a real challenge to keep focused and other days the flow is so easy. Sure wish I knew how to control that, but have not been able to figure it out yet…LOL! Thanks for the well wishes on the web site too!

      1. I totally understand the how some days the flow is there and other days are not. Is it because we have others things to get done, perhaps? At this time of year, I want to be outside gardening and watch our bluebirds! Priorities…lol!

  7. Oh Debbie! Pip is beautiful. How did I fall so far behind on your blog? I’m so excited now to go back to Pip parts one through three. And I’ve got the videos bookmarked so I can view them asap. Thank you!

    1. So glad to see you here, Harmony! I’m so very excited to finally be producing videos as NOT being able to was a huge mental block for me. I just couldn’t seem to get moving forward on my e-courses. So much fear of failure was keeping me paralyzed. Now that I have actually done it….I just can’t imagine why I was so fearful in the first place….funny how that works!

  8. When I first saw the painting I thought it was a photograph. Well done. I especially like the idea of a video of your work process.

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