PASSION….such a small word for what can be such a big emotion. I think we all have many passions and they grow and change just as we do. I know now that I have reach that ‘special’ time in my life. You know that segment of life….where the kids are grown…your husband is retired….your body seems to deteriorate right before your eyes. Oops….I digress, that is another subject for another day. Passion….we are talking about….Passion.
I love….adore….am spellbound by Mother Earth and all the creatures that call her home. She can bring me to tears with her breath taking beauty…..fill me with so much joy that it overflows and bubbles out into laughter. She makes me feel safe and warm and at times frightened, when the wind howls and the lighting flashes. She is home to so many species….each with its own unique place and time. Maybe it is because my life has slowed down a bit, maybe its because I am a bit older and dare I say wiser…..that I have begun to NOTICE….to really SEE….just all she has to offer. I so want to share…..I want all to see what I see.
So….I paint….I photograph….I try to…
“Capture…for one brief moment….the beauty and grace that surrounds us all”
It is my passion….that burning desire that gives me purpose….that brings me great joy……
Debbie, I love your post about Passion! It is a big emotion. My passion is Life Coaching, helping my clients to figure out how to live the lives they really want to live. Isn’t it amazing that when we live our passion our lives are so much richer? I’m feeling grateful that I am now on my right and perfect path, helping others to discover their passion, helping them to move forward in their lives and to believe with all their heart that they deserve it.Thanks for sharing on this subject close to my heart:)
How wonderful, Nancy! Helping others along their path must be so fulfilling. I know how much I grow as an Artist each time I provide inspiration or teach another artist a new technique that helps them along their artistic path. It just feels good!
Passion, when you discover it, follow it and embrace it life becomes so much brighter. Yes Passion is a very big emotion
Thanks Karen….for stopping by and sharing. I love what you said….
Passion….discover, follow, embrace…..for it will brighten your life!