I was taking a class on the internet from a very talented lady….Michele ‘Morton’ Bergh. She asked a question…which really got me to thinking! Ha! Not easily done, but I managed to come up with an answer.
The Question:
“Many of you come from a place of passion and a desire to move about life from that space. Would you be willing to share a few words about how you got there and what kind of a difference it’s made in your life to focus on what you are passionate about?”
My Answer:
For a very long time….I denied my passions. Even though I loved to paint, to design, to craft…..I was pushed in different directions. No one felt I could “earn a living” following my passions. I think many of us were sung that song growing up! But, then one day, I met a wonderful man. A man who wanted nothing more than to see me happy. He let me follow every crazy dream, every little whim and he supported me every step of the way! I think I was a little “drunk” on passion for a while. I flirted with this…then that, but I had no real focus. It took some time, but I finally realized I was at my happiest when I was at my easel.
God gave me a wonderful gift and I am thankful for it every day of my life. My painting brings me much joy and I have found that through my paintings I can bring joy to others.
I encourage you..to find your “passion” and put it into your life. I know there are things we all “must” do to put food on the table and shelter over our heads, but there must also be room for “passion”. You must carve out that space for yourself….a space where you can “come alive”, where you can nurture and grow that inner being.
To put it simply, when you live from a place of passion you glow….the world around you suddenly becomes a kinder, gentler, place.
You gift has enriched my life so I am grateful that you found your passion and someone to encourage you.
I”m so very touched by your comment, Patti. Thank you