We all have a path. Sometimes those paths are straight forward and others have a multitude of twist and turns. Many times, choices need to be made as to which fork in the path you will follow.
I have been lucky enough in my 40+ years of painting and teaching to explore many pathways and possibilities. All have served me well and all have taught me well. I have found that I love all the mediums. Watercolor, Acrylic, oils, and more. However, I found myself being told that I should just pick one and hone those skills if I really wanted to be serious about my ART. Acrylics and realism became my path.
It served me well. I have sold a lot of my Art over the years and I have taught so many wonderful students
Even so, the last five years in particular I have been feeling a bit stuck, a bit bored. I just feel confined and restricted within my current path. I needed something to inspire me and to reignite my artistic passion.
I started by exploring the internet. Pinterest became my new best friend. I spent many hours browsing many different types of art. I suddenly found, much to my surprise, that I was being drawn to mix media and abstracts. I’ve painted realistically my whole artistic life. I tried very hard to ignore the pull, but it was becoming increasingly clear that this path that was unfolding before me was not to be ignored.
The excitement was building! I went shopping for all the things…..ALL THE THINGS….LOL! Modeling paste, pencils, charcoal, oils, inks and more. I was like a kid in a candy shop!
I started playing around with abstract backgrounds and experimenting with all the new products. The photo you see below is one of my early explorations into Mix Media and Abstraction. I had so much fun and never felt so free. In the beginning, I had no idea where the painting was headed. I just wanted to enjoy the process and let it reveal itself to me. I started with an abstract background using modeling paste and eggshells…..it was deliciously fun! Lots of pouring of paint, many different layers. Then came the bird…..I wanted to capture his essence but not every little feather. I struggled. It was hard to let go of the past. I forced myself to use larger brushes and bigger strokes.
Lots and lots of self doubting. Was it any good? Did I do too much? Did I do to little? Anyone who has ever created anything knows what I’m talking about.
I made the decision to set aside all those doubts and continue to explore and play!

I couldn’t be happier! A whole new and exciting world has unfolded before me. In the upcoming New Year, I will be sharing those discoveries with you. I’ll be adding some videos of my techniques and sharing my process. I’m still passionate about teaching and still passionate about nature and animals. That is and always will be at my core. I’m just exploring a whole new way of expressing myself.
How about you? Has this New Year brought any new explorations or experiences into your creative world?