So excited to report that Cosmo is home.  He is resting comfortably in my lap as I type.  As you might imagine he is very needy right now and doesn’t want to be to far from me at all.  The vets are all very encouraged by his progress after his surgery for the removal of bladder stones but more significantly the removal of one of his adrenal glands.  He has about a 10 inch incision on his abdomen, so we have to be very careful when handling him.  Our next major hurdle is awaiting the news on the pathology of the adrenal tumor.  Cancer is always of concern, but we are hopeful that will not be the case with Cosmo.

Cosmo and I want to thank each and everyone of you…..for your prayers and support.  It made a difference…..I know it did.

I know I mentioned a while back that I was working on an e-course and an e-book.  I’ve been trying, but unsuccessfully.  Nothing seemed to gel….until yesterday.  Maybe it was the relief of knowing my Cosmo was coming home…..maybe it was the full moon…..but the dam finally broke.

I opened my adobe indesign and started a new document.  The words seem to flow effortlessly across the page.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about writing this book….sharing what I know.  As I was writing the introduction…it was clear to me that this book is not going to be the book I first envisioned.  I originally had thought to do a simple book on my painting techniques, but the book is evolving into so much more.  It’s not just about technique, but the ‘magic’ of bringing a painting to life.  The joy that bubbles up inside of you and flows freely from the end of your brush.

I plan on including lots of photos (the videos will be saved for the e-classes) and lots of my own original illustrations.  My hope is that the book will not only teach, but inspire you to explore and find your own unique style….your own unique painting voice!

I wish I could give you a publish date, but right now the best I can do is tell you that I’m hoping for an August release date!  I will be sharing some little snippets of the book in the weeks to come….

As to Buster….never fear he is very close to completion now and I’ll be sharing the finished portrait with you soon.  I also have another project in the works that I am very excited about!


  1. Debbie, I am always excited about your projects and am really looking forward to your ebook! But I’m even more excited that Cosmo came home. It’s been a few days since this post — how is he doing now? Sending Cosmo my love!

    1. Thanks Harmony….Cosmo is still doing great and I’ve finally had some time to do another update on my blog. I’m a little tired, but moving forward!

  2. This great news about Cosmo can only lead to even more wonderful things. So delighted that the plug has been unstuck and the words are starting to flow for you Debbie. Sounds like exciting and positive times ahead. I look forward to your August publication and for the Buster reveal!

    1. Thanks Kelly…..hoping I can continue to write and paint without anymore stumbling blocks…at least for a bit anyway!

  3. Debbie, so happy to hear Cosmo is home and healing. I am excited to hear about the ebook and ecourse for many reasons. Firstly because I would love to explore painting and my own creativity using this media and secondly because i too have plans to write an ebook and one and eventually an ecourse. Big endeavours and yet a challenge I would like to undertake. I shall support and cheer you on to begin.
    Good luck

    1. Yes I am self publishing….and August is probably still an ambitious release date. But gotta have a target date to get the old get up and go…..agoing

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