I’ve captured a bit of video of my painting process on Mikey.  There is no voice over on this one and the film speed has been increase 2 times the normal.  This is a process of laying down values and building textures.  One of the things I love about acrylics is the ability to ‘try out’ a color or stroke, knowing that if it doesn’t work I can simply paint over it.  I guess that is something I want you to know, that even after 30 plus years of painting, my strokes are all experimental.  Yes, I certainly have more successes then failures at this point.  STILL…my process is one of trail and error…will this work…can I make it better.

The hesitations you see in the film are usually me studying my reference photo.  It is always close by and I am constantly comparing my work on the canvas with what I see in the photo.  I try very hard to ‘lose’ track of what I am painting (i.e. a bulldog) and focus instead on the shapes, values, color, and textures within.  Painting pet portraits is a bit different from other wildlife, in that you really have to focus on “matching” all the details of the reference photo to the painting.  If you are painting a ‘generic’ lion or deer, you have some leeway in how you choose to portray that animal.  I find that not to be the case with pet portraits.  You really must strive to capture every little nuance, because that is what separates that dog or cat from all the rest.



  1. What a delight to see your process Debbie, and what magic unfold under your fingers! I’m always fascinated by tiny brushes that seem to be about the size of a single hair or two. They seem magical too.

  2. Loving your soundtrack. This video really demonstrates how painstakingly you add color and detail to your paintings. You do capture the essence of your pet subjects.

    1. Thanks Debbie and I’m glad to hear you like the soundtrack….I always worry folks will be annoyed, but I guess there is always that lovely ‘mute’ button to push. LOL!

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