I was just on Facebook and saw a post from a friend of mine.  It was a photo of a prison with a sheriff asking the question, “Should I allow the inmates to watch the Super Bowl?”.  I was not surprised at the many no’s, but at the many yes’s.   Most of the yes’s were full of kindness and compassion and even a “hint’ of forgiveness.  Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we all were a little kinder, a little more gentle, and a lot less judgmental in our responses to mankind.  I know that many of those people are where they need to be….for various reasons…but I also know many of them have never had the smallest act of kindness shown to them…..
My word for this year is ‘Transformation’.  I chose that word, because I do feel as though I am being transformed…..moving into a more spiritual existence.  I am becoming more aware of myself and those around me.  I’m striving to be kinder and more forgiving of others and myself.  I have to tell you…it makes for a much happier and peaceful existence……so I say “YES”….