In our travels, I discovered this Japanese Garden.  Today….I completed the Blog Challenge 20 post in 30 days.  As a reward, for all of you that followed along and left comments and encouragement….a little ‘eye candy’ awaits….ENJOY…..

scripturewaterfall waterfall-small pinecones Iris Fish Fat-kitty Butterfly BridgeBlue-Flowerswater


  1. Some of these photos took my breath away, especially the waterfall and the big, fat kitty sculpture. (I want that sculpture!) The bridge photo looks nearly identical to the bridge in the Japanese gardens in my area, only our bridge is red.

    Where is this stunning garden?

    1. This garden is located in Rockford, IL and it is called the Anderson Japanese Garden. It is so beautiful..peaceful…just lovely!

  2. I helped build a Japanese rock garden when I was stationed at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California. After all that work we put in, the effect was kind of spoiled by the brass plopping down a big plaque in the middle of it.

  3. Congratulations! So, what do you think? Did it work for you, having that many posts in a month?

    Thanks for the eye candy. Beautiful photos, especially the koi.

    1. Thanks Linda! Ya know….I don’t think it did work for me. I noticed in the beginning I had a lot of comments then as the thing wore on…not so many. It was hard to come up with interesting topics too. For me…I think it is more about the quality of the post then the quantity. My goal moving forward is to post twice a week.

      1. Debbie, I’m impressed that you did the challenge, and I completely understand about choosing to post less frequently. I love posting about once a week, slowly building up a body of work. So I’ll be right there with you! 🙂

  4. Debbie, Congrats on completing the 31 Day Blogging Challenge! These photos are beautiful, did you take them with your phone or a digital camera? Thanks for sharing the beauty:)

    1. Hi Nancy…and thanks! The photos were taken with a digital camera (Cannon EOS). I never have had much luck with my phone.

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