Ever notice how infectious Happiness can be?  I sure have….especially lately, because I’m happy.  I’m fortunate to be in a very Happy Place these days.  So many folks try to “find” their happiness in “things”….in having or not having.  I don’t think that is where true happiness lives.  True happiness lives deep within you….and when you find it there….its long lasting and not easily defeated.  I can’t tell you how to find that deep down happiness….that is a journey every individual must travel on their own.  But….I can tell you it starts with a smile.  Go look in the mirror and give yourself a smile.  Aw….come on….you can do that!  I think you will find you immediately feel better….lighter….happier.  Now…try sharing that smile with others!  Yes, even total strangers!  Especially strangers!  I think you will find that many of those folks will smile back.  You will make a “happiness connection” with that person, and that my friends, will put you that much closer to finding where true happiness lives….deep down inside of you!

One Comment

  1. Thanks for the reminder about giving ourselves a smile! Earlier today, I saw a woman who looked exhausted by life. As she came closer, I realized that I could give her a gift by smiling at her. Before I even had time to quirk up my lips in a grin, she was already awash in a smile of her own!

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