Here is where things stand with my Cosmo boy.  The MRI did show a small disc abnormality, but it has healed so surgery is not necessary.  What this means for Cosmo…..he may never fully recover the mobility of his hind legs, but he should not continue to decline.  As I said before….he is a happy, loving boy and doesn’t seem to mind his wobbly behind.   We will have to ‘crate’ him when we leave the house….so he doesn’t get himself into a situation like being stuck on the steps up to our bedroom area, but other then that he can go back to his normal terrier ways.  That is all good….

The rest of the story….Cosmo has bladder stones and upon doing the MRI they also noticed that one of his adrenal glands is enlarged.  So…we opted to let them keep him and schedule the surgery to remove the stones.  Once ‘inside’ they can take a closer look at the adrenal gland and remove it if necessary.  So, while I hate that I couldn’t bring my boy home today, I know he is where he needs to be and in very good and healing hands.  His prognosis is good and whatever the cause of the enlarged adrenal gland…we have caught it early before any symptoms have appeared and that is a blessing.

Cosmo and I so appreciate your support and prayers….thank you so very much.


  1. Hi Debbie:
    Sending so many hugs and thoughts to you and Cosmo! So glad the spinal eval shows no need for surgery and that recovery will continue. Such great news. Sending you hugs!

  2. We love the singing and the barks and licky licks! More good news….Cosmo comes home tomorrow (Monday 16th) he is still healing of course, but I just can’t wait to have that furry little fellow in my lap again!!

  3. Oh this makes my heart sing – especially after the last couple of days I’ve experienced. I am so, so happy for wee Cosmo. And you! Wonderful news Debbie. Such a cute little chap he deserves nothing but the best of health. I’m off to hug my girl Poppy. She sends her very best barks and licks to you and C.

    1. Thank you Kelli…..and thanks for your patience on that little project we have going! I’m happy to report that Cosmo comes home tomorrow (Monday 16th). My life will finally start to get back normal!

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