Meet Cosmo….

Oh how I love that dog. He is a real lover boy….always wanting to be held, to be cuddle. Just look at that face….those soulful eyes. Today he is at the vet having a tooth pulled and an x-ray of his left hind leg. He has been having some trouble with that leg and the vet thinks it may be a knee problem. Hopefully the x-ray will tell us something. Of course, he has to be anesthetized for these procedures and that is always a concern. I hate that I simply ‘drop him off’ and he sits in cage waiting by himself. If he were my human child, I would be allowed to be with him right up to the point he was wheeled into surgery. Not so for furry children. I hate that…..I worry….
I hope that someday our furry children will be treated more like their human counterparts. Our animals give us so much….unconditionally. I don’t think it is asking to much to be allowed a more ‘human’ approach in caring for our animals especially when they are sick or injured. They need to have a familiar face, a voice they recognize….feel our love surround them. He is my boy….in every since of the word…..I wait….I worry….I love that dog!
Thanks Vickie…..he is such a love….we knew he was a ‘cosmo’ from day one..LOL!
i’m so glad Cosmo is back home – I love so much too and I hate to see them uncomfortable, not understanding why, and scared. I hope getting him back to his regular vet is the ticket that is needed. BTW – what a perfect name for him – it suits him to a T
Hi Debbie:
I hope Cosmo starts feeling better soon. I have two cats, they have been with my husband and I for 16 years. These two fur balls are definitely our children. I totally understand the wish to be with them while they are at the vet. I hate leaving them there. They hate it too. Thinking of you and Cosmo.
Thank you Amy. Cosmo is back home with me now. We have more health issues to deal with in our future, but for now….He is home and loved and cared for and he is a content little guy!
Oh, how I know that waiting and worry. If one of my animals is at the vet’s, I can do nothing but fret. I do my best to stay centered and calm, to give loving energy to the situation, because I know that my animals can feel that. But it’s hard to do. It’s so much easier (and maybe more effective) to have someone else hold that high watch for our beloved babies. So I’ll do that for you and Cosmo today. Holding Cosmo in the light of perfect health and healing, and sending you the centered, calm feeling that knows that all is well. <3
Thank you so much Harmony…..I’m so glad we are in to a new day and Cosmo is home with me now. I’m not sure where we are going from here. The x-ray shows some kind of problem with his spine. We will be heading back to Indiana soon…that is ‘home’ for us. Hopefully Cosmo’s regular vet can give us some insights on how to help him heal. So appreciate your loving thoughts and prayers…..
OH I have all my crossables crossed that things go well for Cosmo today. You are so right – he does need you there right up until he’s wheeled in. That needs to change. However, I often thing with regards to the end of life that we are kinder to our pets! We ease their passing when they are gravely ill. We don’t force them to suffer through to the bitter end. There needs to be some tweaking on the human front with that regard I think.
Sending hugs and endless positive energy your way.
You are so right Kelly. When my Grandfather made the choice to stop dialysis, his doctor agreed and gave him the drugs he needed to ease his discomfort and pain. Although it was so very hard to say goodbye….he made the choice and it was a beautiful and peaceful passing. He was surrounded by those he loved most in both this world and the next..I feel very deeply about that…we should all have that choice. Thank you for sharing…..and caring….