The past couple of weeks have had there ups and downs. The big upside was a trip to Michigan to see my grandkids. Their mom and dad took off for a mini vacation and Gigi was left in charge! The kids even had a couple of snow days added to their President’s Day Holiday. We had fun. Art projects, games, and lego builds.

Aren’t these chickens the cutest. I can’t take credit for the idea got that off an internet site. The kids and I both loved creating our little hens. Too bad they can’t actually lay eggs….LOL!

Below is one the lego projects Max and I built. I have to say I do like working with legos. The directions are always very clear and step by step. I actually find the whole process relaxing.

Unfortunately, the down side was Gigi came home with some type of a virus. Most likely the common cold. Although it certainly didn’t feel very common. The cough was the absolute worse, especially at night. I survived and I’m feeling much better. It’s poor hubby’s turn now. He started coming down with symptoms yesterday. I did my best not to infect him, but when you sleep in the same bed that’s hard to do.

I walked into my studio for the first time today. What a mess. I had taught a class the day before I left for Michigan so everything was pretty much right where I dropped it.

It can be overwhelming when you see all that needs to be done. I would have loved to have just shut the door, but I knew I would regret that impulse later. So….I’m rolling up my sleeves and taking that first step.

We all have feelings of overwhelm and throw in a good dose of procrastination and the day is pretty much spent sitting and doing nothing but feeling guilty about doing nothing.

In order for me to break the cycle, I need to get started first thing in the morning. I find the simple act of just entering my studio with my morning coffee in hand is usually enough to get me back in the swing of things. If I’m really dragging, I tell myself to do just one small thing. One small thing is all I ask of myself. Amazingly enough that one small thing leads to more and more small things until finally…….I’ve done what needs to be done.

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