Yuma Arizona

Yuma Arizona

Settling into our second home…..Yuma Arizona….has taken a bit more time then expected.  Old friends seem to arrive daily and bumby ball and line dancing are in full swing (pun intended HA!).  Just too much fun, y’all!  I am also pleased to announce that I will not only be teaching watercolor again this year, but…

Work in progress, close up of moss and limbs

The Raven Continues…..

As I mentioned last time, we are in “travel mode” which translates to “not much painting time” usually.  Fortunately, I did manage to find a few hours the other day….. I’m all over this thing!  LOL!  I’ve worked in the background, the middle, and on the Raven.  Trying out different techniques for textures and lighting. …

Finished Portrait of Nuchi

Nuchi is Finished!

I will be sending this little one to his owners now and I shall miss him!  I really do feel as though I make a connection with the animals I paint.  Those hours at the easel are not just spent with paint and brushes, but a conversation of sorts between me and my subject always…