Oh….me or my it felt so good to sit back down in front of my easel and put my brush into paint…..back to Buster…
I didn’t make a lot of progress today. I always find that it takes me awhile to get back into a painting once I have put it aside for awhile. Still, progress was made! I’m pretty happy now with the nose and have moved on beginning to build the beard area. Now, some would think that this is the easy part. Just pick up a liner brush and start painting hairs…but that is not how it works..at least not for me. I’m still looking at building shapes and ‘clumps’ of hairs rather then individual strands of hair. I try to stay fairly close to what I see in the photo….but it doesn’t have to be exact. We all know Buster could change the whole look of the thing with the shake of his head! BUT…a lot of the colorings, the curves, the mix of dark to light would stay the same and that is what I concentrate on. I’m primarily working in dark to middle values at this point. Once I am happy with the shapes I’ll start bringing in the lighter tones. One thing I have noticed is that I need to widen the mouth a bit, but other then that I’m off to a good start.
Here is a close up photo of my beard work…as always comments and questions are welcome….
Debbie I look at that perfectly detailed inking of Busters hair and then I think….how would she even begin to capture my girls hair-doos? Oh just looking at your pooch artistry makes me want to go take a brush to mine. In fact, I think I will. A hair brush, that is!
Thank you! Detail is definitely a love of mine…so glad you stopped by!
My but this little man is coming to live. That beard is positively three dimensional. I could just reach out and run my fingers through it. Have to say I’m feeling rather awed by your talent Debbie. You have a real gift.
Aw…Thank you so much Kelly! I do feel very blessed to have this gift….I cherish it!
Debbie, I could never do what you do… magnificent!!! I do mixed media artwork. To do this fine art is beyond me. Love your progress. Keep up the great work!!! Much love to you!
Jean…thank you so much and I love mix media hoping one day to try my hand at it!