Only had a few hours this week so not much progress on the painting. The nose is starting to take shape and I’m playing with the shadows and getting a feel for the direction of the beard.
We will be preparing our fifth wheel and starting our journey to Indiana next Thursday. It will take us about 3 weeks to make the trip. We only like to travel about 4 hours a day and are always looking for interesting places to stop and explore along the way. Most of our ‘stop overs’ are only for 2 or 3 nights so I probably will not be posting any more work on Buster til we are back in Indiana. You can check out our fifth wheel lifestyle here. Another thing I want to let you know about is my blog site here is going to be undergoing some changes. I’m working on a new format and a new look, combining my web site and blog into one. So if ever you drop by and something is a little ‘weird’ don’t worry I have it all under control……Ha! Like that could ever happen!
I used to do a weekly ‘Focus Friday’ post with some of my photos and I’d like to get back into that routine……

I love to go walking with my camera cause you just never know what will “pop out” to greet you. This little guy…so cute…had to hop up on the fence post to see just what I was up to! I love to watch squirrels and they are just as curious about us as we are about them!
Thanks so much Sue…glad you are enjoying see little Buster come to life!
Debbie what a fantastic job you are doing with Buster! I’ve been following along with your progress which is so great to see. Keep going!
Zillions of squirrels here. Zillions. Rumor has it a few were brought out from England about 50 years ago and let loose in our huge Stanley Park. Fast forward 50 years and zillions of their offspring now run freely. Everywhere.
Have a wonderful trip – looking forward to Buster updates.
How interesting Kelly….a little squirrel history lesson….love it!
Poor Buster has to wait in limbo land for you to come back from your trip. Oh well…
Love the squirrell. I had one charge at me like he was going to run up my leg. At the last minute he looked up, realized I wasn’t a tree and practically did a backflip to get out of there.
Have a great trip!
Yes, poor Buster! I was hoping to have him finished before we left…but alas not quite there. Your squirrel encounter sounds hilarious! My Dad and I were watching two squirrels playing up in the trees one day. Then there was a loud ‘thud’ as one was knocked to the ground. He jumped up….shook off the fall….and man oh man the chase was on cause he was gonna make the other squirrel pay……they were racing through the trees with lots of chattering! Too funny!
I love buster….my goal is to someday paint as good as you. For now I concentrate on landscape images as they are easier for me. Face and body I’m limited. LOL
I love squirrels. I have 3 that come to the backyard feeder every day. I’m convinced they do this just to drive my husband crazy. When he’s gone they usually eat under the feeder, but when he’s here they seem to eat out of the feeder driving him a little crazy.
Wonderful artist you are indeed.
Kelli, that is exactly how I started out…painting landscapes and then finally got up the courage to try an animal. My first few animals were done in pastel because it was easier for me to manipulate the medium. Finally I got brave enough to try doing them in acrylics….took a lot of practice and I’m still learning, but I love it! Thank you and if I can ever answer any questions for you please don’t hesitate to contact me! Happy Painting!