In The Studio

Chickens of a different kind…..
The past couple of weeks have had there ups and downs. The big upside was a trip to Michigan to see my grandkids. Their mom and dad took off for a mini vacation and Gigi was left in charge! The kids even had a couple of snow days added to their President’s Day Holiday. We…

Learning to Create in an Intuitive Manner
Intuitive painting is a creative process that involves trusting your intuition to create art without judgment Without judgment….what a concept After 40+yrs of painting, I’m finally learning to let go and just create. Painting intuitively is allowing yourself Grace. The Grace to just create, stop doubting If it’s right or wrong If it’s ugly or…

My Artistic Journey
We all have a path. Sometimes those paths are straight forward and others have a multitude of twist and turns. Many times, choices need to be made as to which fork in the path you will follow. I have been lucky enough in my 40+ years of painting and teaching to explore many pathways and…