Lucy and Desi

Some very special folks wanted to create a very special gift for a very special person.  I spent 10 very intense days at my easel to accomplish their goal and I think I succeeded….. Meet Lucy and Desi Two of the sweetest doodles you will ever meet.  I know my Angels were with me on…

Ups and Downs….

Halloween is and always will be one of my favorite holidays…..but this past Halloween will forever be marred by the actions of person or persons unkown. I had just spent a perfectly lovely day at the Albuquerque Zoo.  Going to zoos is one of my favorite past times.  My sweet husband bought me a beautiful…

Where to begin…..

Where to begin…..

Wow….it has been awhile since I emersed myself into the blogging world.  I took some much needed time off…not to rest…just to get some things done in my busy life.  One of the most special things on my ‘to do’ list was for my mom and I to throw a bridal shower for my son’s…

Buster pet portrait

Buster is FINI….

Is it ever really done…..I think every time I look at this there is always something I want to tweak!  Knowing when to be ‘done’ can be difficult for the perfectionist in me!  However…..I do believe Buster is FINI……what do you think? I know the computer washes out the color a bit…..wish you all could…