Many of you have met my little Belle and Cosmo.  You have also been introduced to one of my furry grandbabies….Sassy.  If you remember I did a portrait of her a few months ago.  I have another….cute as a button….furry grandbaby I would like you to meet…..

MeshaThis is Mesha.  One very loving and happy siberian husky

Mesha-ThinThis is Mesha about 3 yrs ago.   The day we brought her home from the shelter.

My son made the decision he wanted a dog and asked for my help in making a selection.  First placed we went was our local shelter.  Now…here is where it gets really interesting….we walked in and told the girl at the desk we were looking to adopt a dog.  Normally, they escort you through the area where the adoptable dogs are located…not so that day.  She simply pointed to the door….and said,  turn left….then right….then right again….or was it left….crap!  We headed through the door and….ended up where we shouldn’t have been or did we?  We didn’t realize it, but we were looking at dogs that were newer arrivals….dogs that were not even up for adoption at this point.  We slowly walked by cage after cage of mostly agitated and barking dogs.  Then there on the end….sitting quietly…..there was Mesha.  So beautiful…..and those eyes.  I could see my son was taken with her as well, but I cautioned….”big dog…lots and lots of hair”…”that means almost daily brushing and lots of exercise”.   Just as we turned to walk away, Mesha came over to the gate, jumped up on her hind legs, and stuck that big beautiful nose right into our faces.  That was pretty much it…..although we didn’t say a word….I think we both knew in our hearts she was meant to be “the one”.

When we made our inquiries about her at the front desk….they couldn’t even find her in their system.  It was then we learned we had been looking in the wrong area.  The staff at the shelter were a little upset with us….after all didn’t we see the big signs posted at the door?  There were signs?  We didn’t see them.  Anyway after much back and forth someone remembered she had just been brought in a day or two ago and had not been put into the system as of yet.  I told my son we probably needed to keep looking because I was sure her owners would be looking for her.  The gal behind the desk said they could put us on a ‘list’ and let us know if she became available in a few days.

In the meantime we keep looking….but our hearts were just not into it.  It had been several days and we had not heard anything about Mesha.  My son decided to call and check.  Seems no one had called to claim her and she was indeed available.  We arranged a meeting later that day.  They put us in a small room and then brought Mesha to us.  She was thin and very dirty….the shelter told us they felt she had been ‘on her own’ for quite some time.  She circled the room a few times…..gave each of us a few good sniffs and then promptly fell to floor, rolled over and showed us her tummy.  Who could resist that move….

Needless to say the rest is history.  A few days later….after a bath and a trip to the vet to be spayed…she came home to live with my son.  As it was meant to be……I feel sure there were forces at work that put us together with her that fateful day.  My son and I had never even entertained the idea of such a big dog.

Mesha-faceBut who….I ask….who could ever resist that face!

We all love her dearly


my most favorite thing

is when she plants both those big front paws near my shoulders

and lays that great big nose smack in the middle of my chest

looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes

and in her own way tells me

“I love you too, Grandmama!”


  1. Those eyes! Those eyes! I am so in love with those eyes. Now my own eyes are filled with tears. The stories of how we meet our animals are so precious to me. When I found my cat Addie on the street, I thought she was someone else’s cat. I scooped her up to take her home to my friend’s house, but it turned out that she was just a lookalike for my friend’s cat, who was home, safe and sound. I found out that she was a stray who had been lurking around the neighborhood, looking for a home. Well, she found one! She’s been with us nearly a decade now, fuzzy and miraculous and filled with love. ♥

    1. Aren’t we all so lucky and so blessed to have our furry children….all choosing to come into our lives at just the right moment!

  2. Oh, my. A little bit teary here. I absolutely believe that meetings like this are meant to happen. Way back when we had dogs (before the cats took over), I went to the pound looking for a female doberman after ours died. Went several times. Nothing. Then, on about the fourth trip, just as I was leaving, here comes a cart with a gangly male doberman puppy – just being admitted. He took one look at me and lit up. Well, you know the rest. I had to wait a week (a week!) to give his owner a chance to claim him. Meanwhile, I went everyday and played with him. On the day he was available, I was there an hour early because there was a list of people behind me who wanted him. I, of course, got him, and figured we’d walk around a bit, then sit in the back of our VW bus, get to know one another. No way. He trotted over to that bus, just as if he had ridden in it a thousand times, jumped in, and sat down right next to the driver’s seat, looked at me like well, what’s keeping you? Let’s go home. We had him for 12 years and they were wonderful years.

  3. Love the story! She is most certainly a beauty. My boy would be totally enamored. We really don’t choose our pets, they choose us. Funny thing about unconditional love is, it’s so unconditional, and immediately available with dogs. My 3 are all hovering around me right now, wondering why that darn laptop is more interesting to me than they are. I guess it’s walk time.

  4. Oh Debbie this is just so lovely. I’ve got a lump in my throat. She was meant to be with your family. We went through a similar situation with our Poppy. After losing Oscar our golden retriever I waited a “whole” 3 weeks (!)before going online and searching our local SPCA website. Her picture popped up. She was just 10 weeks old. Of course I zipped in to see her and her sister. Took my two kids the next day and she was all alone. They were just about to ship her to another SPCA. Horrors. We took her outside to this horrid grassy area that was full of poop and sadly overchewed toys and she hopped about so happily before running over to sit at our feet. That was it. We had to have her. As I type this she’s lying at my feet patiently awaiting a walk. Can’t believe we’ve been blessed to have her for a whole 3 years now. Wishing your son and Mesha many, many more happy years together.

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