The Competition. Many times we use ‘The Competition’ as an excuse….a reason for giving up…a reason for beating ourselves up. You know the drill, “I’ll never be as good as they are…so why even bother”. I know I used to do that on a regular basis. It was so much easier then the alternative….which was to keep trying, keep learning. To simply…Do. The. Work.
But….’The competition’ can be a very valuable asset. They have so much they can teach you and many are more then willing to do just that! I know that my paintings have dramatically improved because I started seeing my competitors as teachers….teachers who also could inspire and challenge me. To keep reaching….to keep striving….to simply…Do. The. Work.
I was going back through my journal the other day and spotted this quote…which inspired this post. Powerful… literally changed everything for me and opened a door to a whole new world of enlightenment. I only wish I could credit the author….but I don’t know who he/she is…..
A word about the competition…embrace them…learn from them…be inspired by them!”
So…What have you learned from your competition….I would love to know…
It is so easy to look at the competition and sigh. And be tempted to give up. Thanks for this heads up quote Debbie. I love it. I find there are two types of competitors – the ones who are so generous with their advice and the ones who aren’t. I choose to be the former. Thank you!
Thanks Kelly so glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, there are some out there that won’t share….their loss, because I find as I’m sure you do to….that there is much to be learned from one another. When I was teaching….I learned so much from my students. To see them take a technique and ‘make it their own’ was truly inspiring.
Debbie, I love the idea of viewing competition as teachers. And I’ve begun, like you, to use them to do just that. Just today, I was ready to give up an a project I was attempting, feeling as if it would fail because of all the “better stuff” out there, but no more. Between Michele sending out her email today reminding us not to give up, and now, with you reminding me competition can teach us I’m going forward with it. 🙂 Thank you.
I’m so glad to hear that Kelli! Nice to know my post was of help! Thank you
Debbie, what a beautiful re-frame. Seeing the competition as teachers, mentors, love it! One of my goals is to honor my own unique gifts, talents and experiences.
Thanks Nancy! It took me awhile to realize this, but when I finally did it made a world of difference in how I see myself as well as my fellow artist! Honoring your own gifts….that is so important.
Debbie I have found the competition is also very generous and willing to share their knowledge and yes I agree we can learn from them. Remaining authentic and true to our craft and our voice while we learn equates to our own level of success.
Ah….well said Karen! Staying ‘true to ourselves’ while learning….I love that!
Hi there,
I love the idea of viewing competition as teachers. I think that I do this naturally a lot of times. There are always going to be people who are better at something than we are – why NOT learn from them?
So true….and so nice of you to stop by!
In my case the competition is largely other job-seekers. Many of them may be better than I am, but I know I am far more qualified than many others. And it’s by networking both with my potential employers and with fellow job seekers that I am most likely to finally land a good position.
I just noticed that apparently I have commented on your blog enough that it allows me to choose between several different posts on my blog to publicize. Interesting.
Sounds like you figured out exactly how to handle your competition!