Well….the eagle has finally landed! We arrived back in Lafayette, Indiana last Thursday. It was such a cold, grey, and blustery day. But here we be and here we stay, at least for a little while.
I’ll be setting up my little studio over the weekend….I’ll post some photos and more info on that process early next week. I also wanted to let you know that I signed up for a blog challenge…..20 post in 31 days during the month of May. Yes….it will be a challenge, but I really want to improve my blogging skills. Hopefully I can come up with some interesting topics and not bore everyone out there in cyber land.
Some of you have asked…”How I did this” referring to the new look on my website. I’m using a Pretty Darn Cute Design called Swank (child theme) and it runs off the Genesis Theme.
Learning….you know it really never stops. I’m 56 years young and learning new things everyday. I remember the day my husband suggested we buy a computer….way back in the late 80’s. Well, I had never had any experience with a computer and the whole idea just scared me to death. I mean…really…how was I going to learn all that code crap and what would we do with the dang then anyway. I figured mostly what I would do would be dust the stupid thing or throw clothes over like the exercise machine in the bedroom. But he insisted…I gave in….and well….look at me now. Not only do I have a blog, but I’m building a business…on a computer. I frankly can’t imagine my life without it. Traveling the way we do….it is my “connection” with not only family and friends, but also a thriving creative community of wonderful artistic souls.
Through a wonderful website called lynda.com I’m learning how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign.
My fingers literally fly across the keyboard and my trackpad skills are right up there with the 40’something year olds…..LOL! And if that isn’t enough….I’m wireless….mobile….and I can dance like nobody’s watching when everybody’s watching….ha…ha…ha……
It is a glorious….wondrous time to be alive!
Tell me……are you still learning…..
Ahh, Thanks Amy! Always nice to have a little encouragement to light the path before you!
You’ve already found the best three ways to be successful blogging already – 1) find a good group to blog with (Michele’s group is the best one I’ve ever found), 2) comment on other people’s blogs (that is how I found you), 3) do blogging challenges! 🙂 Three times a winner! You’re a natural.
Love the look of your new site. And it is great to continue to learn. I’m totally amazed at how many people that are actually younger than me that are not as skilled on the computer and I’m talking about people in the business/office jobs. I just feel I need to keep up or I will be left behind
I have notice that too….my brother is one of those…just refuses to learn anything about the computer! Although he did finally break down and buy a ‘smart phone’ so maybe he’ll be inspired to learn more about computing….
Thanks for the compliment on the site too!
Always learning, always. Loved hearing about your response to the computer in the 80s! Times sure have changed. Looking forward to your blog posts this month! 🙂
Oh, constantly learning. The computer, blogging, weaving, drawing, gardening, people, life. What a great way to live!
It is….it is…..a fabulous way to go through life! There is always a new horizon…a new challenge…keeps us young!
I’m taking Microeconomics to finally get my Associate’s Degree–I hope I’m learning something!
Oh I’m sure you are….wishing you much success and thanks so much for stopping by
I’m always learning…my feeling is you can never get too much information can you??? I hated being in school when I was there, but then, when I got out, I somehow learned I love to learn. I’ve continued ever since not really willing to stop. 🙂 It doesn’t always mean I embrace new things easily, but I love to learn nevertheless.
I feel the same way….didn’t really enjoy school. But now….if time and money and lifestyle…were not a factor I’d would love to go back to college just for the ‘joy’ of it!
Always learning, Debbie… every day! There is so much I do not yet know, so much I have yet to discover… it’s endless, fun and full of play and adventure!! Welcome back! Keep up the great work and keep learning! Much love to you! ♥
Thank you Jean…..learning is such an adventure, love it!