I was very good to myself this past Christmas! I bought a new camera for recording my online classes. It is a Canon Vixia HF G20 and it is one sweet little video camera. It even has a remote control!
This is my little artist taboret! I know it looks a bit dark, but I was taking photos in the early am before the sun had come up!
Here you can see how I position myself and my camera for shooting
This is a ‘closer’ view of my camera being held in place by the horizontal arm on my tripod. This allows me to shoot from above, hopefully giving you all the best view of my painting process
and this is a little Robin…done in watercolor on wet media illustration board
Now…for the big news
My first online class will be release on Jan 14th
It will be a landscape (don’t worry animals will soon follow)
It will be acrylics
A watercolor version will be released the following week if not sooner!
Let the Magic begin!
Exciting news!